Typically, blue-flowered species predominate in the Northern Hemisphere, with red-flowered species dominant in the Andes (where bird pollination is probably more heavily favored by natural selection).
Where the spring-blooming species predominate, delay mowing until mid-June in the south, or until July elsewhere, to allow enough time for seed to ripen.
After several years, two other species appear and predominate: ccRNA 1 slow and ccRNA 2 slow.
The natural wealth available to the municipality is represented by 10 thousand 400 hectares of woodland, where mainly oak and pine species predominate.
The species predominates in Europe and the New World, but has found its way into other countries via harbors and airports.
This species predominates in shallow habitats, while the other two are mostly found deeper.
This species would have predominated in the Templetonburn Glen as the typical climactic vegetation for this habitat when the area was less well drained and free from artificial plantings.
Among fish, small species predominate in the diet of minks in Altai, and include; minnows, gudgeons, and wide-headed sculpins.
Among the variety of flora found along Punta del Marqués, local species such as: uña de gato, zampa, adesmia, malaspina, duraznillo, and coiro predominate.
In areas which have been converted by residential development, exotic and invasive species predominate, including English Ivy and Himalayan Blackberry.