The species only infests living wood, on which it causes white rot.
The species Demodex canis lives predominantly on the domestic dog, but can occasionally infest humans.
Various species of tick commonly infest the ears, neck and groin regions of most lions.
Another species, Drosophila suzukii, infests thin-skinned fruit such as raspberries and cherries and can be a serious agricultural pest.
Some species infest humans, and alter their hosts' behaviour in a way that supports the worm's reproductive cycle.
In the Caribbean, this species also infests banana plants, heliconias and gingers.
And with our own bloodthirsty species infesting the earth, it's getting worse all the time.
Mealybugs: An outdoor species often infests conifers, especially yew.
Other species of lice infest most orders of mammals and all orders of birds.
Several species of Curculio weevils infest the acorns.