The signal receiver is also advantaged by this system, despite being deceived regarding species identity, as it avoids potentially harmful encounters.
This orangutan, though, was raised in captivity and may have suffered from a skewed species identity, and forced copulation is a standard mating strategy for low-ranking male orangutans.
A third theme is the mystery of Morgaine's own species identity.
In these cases close examination of the mode of development or of DNA data is vital to verify the species identity.
Then the Shannon entropy quantifies the uncertainty in predicting the species identity of an individual that is taken at random from the dataset.
His attempts to assert his species identity frequently end in disaster.
At maturity, different populations and subspecies of cutthroat can range from 6-40 inches (15-100 cm) in length, depending on habitat and food availability, making size an ineffective indicator as to species identity.
These species form a complex and exact species identity can only be determined by examination of the genitalia.
Newman has been an outspoken critic of proposed uses of developmental biology to modify human species identity, including cloning and germline genetic manipulation.
The Shannon index equals log(D), and in practice quantifies the uncertainty in the species identity of an individual that is taken at random from the dataset.