It currently counts over 430,000 members and 82 specialty societies.
In addition, the more than 80 specialty societies of surgeons and other practitioners are increasingly staking out their own positions.
It is the oldest and largest medical specialty society in the United States devoted to the care of the hand.
The house of delegates includes doctors from every state and from more than 80 medical specialty societies.
The association did not back away, but many other groups, including a number of medical specialty societies, were already advocating far bigger changes.
These resources come from government organizations, universities, and specialty societies such as:
The College has also collaborated with specialty societies to undertake the task of developing and publishing clinical data standards.
Distributors then share this information with community groups nationwide, and the medical specialty societies disseminate it to their members.
Nine specialty societies agreed to participate at the project's start.
It provides a forum for national specialty societies to discuss issues related to accessible medical specialty care in Canada.