While specialty restaurants might offer two or more meat selections, some establishments have just one skewer.
The open areas have specialty restaurants with option for open or close dining arrangement, coffee house, and lounge.
The ship has a choice of six restaurants and bistros, although three are specialty restaurants with a cover charge.
While a few specialty restaurants survived, almost all were abandoned in favor of cheaper, mass-produced food items.
It is served in certain specialty restaurants in the United States.
There were also two small specialty restaurants, one Italian, one Southwestern, that everyone talked about.
Results of operations for 1987 do not include those of the specialty restaurants.
Initially, they plan to spend $5 million to convert half the space for lease to upscale shops and specialty restaurants.
It is one of the south Indian cuisines that has a large number of specialty restaurants.
Many other fastfood and specialty restaurants are planning to open branches soon.