Cambrex makes specialty ingredients for the drug industry including experimental drugs for use in clinical trials.
The number of varieties continues to grow, each made from a certain region's particular specialty ingredients.
In other words, it was not the first place I'd go looking for a specialty ingredient.
Vinegars from Orléans are a specialty ingredient used as well.
Food Science provides specialty ingredients like flavors, reduced-calorie bulking agents, fat replacers and food protectants to the food industry.
Casa Moneo's closing could not have come at a more inopportune moment: just as its specialty ingredients have found a wide market in the Northeast.
Blue California, founded in 1994, has become a major manufacturer of botanical extracts and specialty ingredients.
Of course these restaurants serve more than the hoariest classics, and they are not wholly divorced from the vogue for specialty ingredients.
Note: All specialty ingredients are available by mail order from Kalustyan's, (800) 352-3451,
Despite such devotion to specialty ingredients, his pastries cost what similar pastries do in other shops around the city.