I got a van specially outfitted, with jump seats for the customers.
I proceeded to suite four, a room specially outfitted for extra ventilation.
These planes were specially outfitted for hauling coal to German civilians.
It also has an electric cart for special events, specially outfitted to accommodate a gurney and other medical equipment.
There were gear trucks specially outfitted to transport clothing, tents, and other personal supplies.
The probe's just one of our fighters, specially outfitted.
The other two were specially outfitted and equipped standard Sixty Special sedans.
That is because conventional telephone lines are specially outfitted to give emergency dispatchers the address of callers.
Regency was used primarily as a Polar carrier and was specially outfitted for cold operations.
This level was specially outfitted with, among other things, four cells--not that he'd ever had four girls at the same time, but he believed in.