There are also a few instructions for a number of more specialized tasks such as exception throwing, synchronization, etc.
In addition separate organizations, often subordinate to the principal organs, have been created to solve specialized tasks.
Sociological work has explored the social alienation and boredom that many workers feel because of the repetition of doing the same specialized task all day long.
Hiring a consultant makes sense for many specialized tasks, from writing an annual report to designing a parking lot.
In some regions, workforce development programs will have to teach basic skills like reading as well as giving instruction in more specialized tasks.
They also find evidence of larger drones that can perform specialized tasks.
The Leader sometimes delegates authority to other developers in order for them to perform specialized tasks.
Making larger work units by combing smaller more specialized task.
As the business grows, the boss gets some assistants (co-processors) to handle specialized tasks.
Computer users at work stations are able to select from dozens of computers in networks, many of which may perform specialized tasks.