More and more components are being designed to enable specialized hardware to be used in standard cabinet carcasses.
More specialized integrated hardware and software solutions are referred to as appliances.
Vegas does not require any specialized hardware to run properly, allowing it to operate on almost any standard Windows computer across a broad range of hardware.
The highly parallel computer architecture was eventually surpassed in speed by less specialized hardware (for example, Sun workstations and Intel x86 machines).
I am starting to see specialized hardware for very young children.
This is important, since the CoCo has no specialized hardware for any I/O.
Custom compilers and linkers may be used to optimize specialized hardware.
Dynamic address translation required expensive and difficult to build specialized hardware; initial implementations slowed down access to memory slightly.
Paper audit systems increase the cost of electronic voting systems, can be difficult to implement, often require specialized external hardware, and can be difficult to use.
More recent entrants into the market do not require specialized hardware, however.