A general degree is rated lower than any specialist degree, however dismal.
"For government agencies and state businesses, the old five-year specialist degree is still favored," Mr. Fedotov said.
The staff members hold master's degrees, educational specialist degrees, and one doctorate degree.
Between 1940 and 1975, more than 10 master's degrees, 1 specialist degree, and 5 doctoral degrees were formalized for graduate study.
The following are the most important specialist degrees in the CIS:
School Psychology and Curriculum and Instruction are two of the most common areas where a specialist degree is found.
She earned a master's degree in 1971 and an educational specialist degree from the University of Florida in 1974.
Instead, tertiary education was undertaken in a single stage, typically five or six years in duration, which resulted in a specialist degree.
The institute has been conferring specialist degrees since 1997.
In addition, two educational specialist degrees are offered: an Ed.