Most specialists consider 1985 to be one of the great Burgundy vintages in recent years, and our tastings tended to bear this out.
Many composers, and many specialists, considered that to be the most important part of her work.
Many specialists consider a bag like this to be the single most useful piece of luggage.
This daring claim has not been corroborated by anyone so far, and nearly all specialists in the subject consider it erroneous.
However, specialists consider that it is no less actual or hurtful than pain from any other source.
Many political specialists considered it a master stroke that helped him break from the pack of Democratic candidates.
Some international specialists consider that more than a mere possibility.
Gigamic games have won a number of awards all over the world and many specialists are considering their games as classics.
She said specialists are considering drugs that have been successful in the treatment of stroke and other neurologic disorders.
Because of great success and curious design, many specialists consider it as the world's first real helicopter.