The STAR's purpose is to develop systems and processes for standardised training, equipment, organisation, planning, and scheduling of rapidly deployable specialised forces to execute mission objectives in support of tactical and operational commanders.
The Royal Marines are a maritime-focused, amphibious, highly specialised light infantry force.
Two days later, with Saudi Arabia's economy effectively laid to waste, a small, highly trained fighting force attacks the Saudi military city in the south-west of the country near the Yemen border, and, while the military is in disarray, another highly specialised force goes in and takes Riyadh.
In addition, the Squadron had to undertake specialised force and battle preparation activities of personnel and equipment.
Due to this reason, the protection and security of the house is maintained by a specialised force, known as the Watch and Ward.
The Aśvakayanas and Aśvayanas are also believed to be sub-tribes of Paropamisan Kambojas, who were exclusively engaged in horse breeding/trading and also formed a specialised cavalry force.
In wake of the 2008 Mumbai terror attacks, the Government of Maharashtra decided to form a new, specialised force to tackle terror.
Hitler clearly had a high opinion of von Richthofen and believed the Corps' record, as a specialised close-support force, was unparalleled and would guarantee success.
Derivatives of the standard blue uniform (collectively called the no.3 uniform) was adopted for specialised forces and for all officers in various occasions which calls for more formal or casual attire.
Archery seems to have been a minor technique, for men armed with swords and spears and carrying only twelve arrows could hardly be termed 'archers' in the later medieval sense of a specialised separate force of skilled bowmen used as a collective weapon in their right.