International debt collection is a less common and specialised field.
Heissman, here, is a remarkably gifted specialist in an extremely specialised field.
For the Indo-European languages, comparative study is now a highly specialised field.
The rod is still in use as a unit of measure in certain specialised fields.
In a limited and very specialised field the Richards brothers had managed to run a thriving little concern.
It can be considered a specialised field of endocrinology.
In my long years of parliamentary work, I have seldom experienced such close and constructive cooperation in a specialised political field.
This type of training certificate then has only limited validity, with the result that the holder may only work in his particular specialised field.
A government will usually have several ministries, each with a specialised field of service.
More specialised fields, such as surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, also require four years' training.