It was intended to be a specialised centre but was eventually changed to a general hospital with a change in government.
The sports-études sections ensure the basic learning foundations, but these must be carried out in one of the specialised centres for a particular sport.
Keeping this in mind, it was an urgent need to set up institutes and specialised centers to further develop the skills of the community.
In case one decides to undergo surgery, a specialised centre should be preferred.
An entirely new nationwide breast cancer screening programme run from specialised centres is being introduced.
The Agreement supports the development of specialised scientific and technical centres on both sides of the Mediterranean.
A specialised medical center dedicated to treatment and research of the more serious problems arising from the gas leak should be established.
In the case of apprentices, it is also important to ensure that they can gain practical experience in specialised centres or companies.
It is possible to consider the establishment of specialised centres in countries of key importance for the trade with third countries or regions respectively.
Corrective measures are taken, and affected water is taken for treatment at specialised centres.