"We are hopeful that Connecticut will not enact special-interest legislation that would retroactively strip shareholders of their fundamental right to vote."
"It was the ultimate in special-interest legislation," said James D. Cox, a professor of corporate law and securities regulation at Duke University.
The need for campaign reform was obvious as this Congress dealt with an agenda filled with special-interest legislation.
"He took the microphone and said, 'Dad, I love you, but it's time we stopped this kind of special-interest legislation.' "
Then, in an angry, booming voice, he added: "This is special-interest legislation.
But it's common knowledge that there is an unbroken chain between private fund raising and special-interest legislation or regulatory favors from the White House.
No bill has been introduced and Congress has not held any hearings, which is common with special-interest legislation affecting taxes.
Both political parties in the State Legislature are hopelessly craven in dealing with such special-interest legislation.
And it failed because people noticed it, the death knell for special-interest legislation.
But the skirmish demonstrates the ease with which special-interest legislation can often get through Congress as long as it draws little public attention.