In 1985, he launched Necropia, a special-effects company, making low-end bogeymen for films being shot in Mexico City.
The couple met in January 1998 while both were working in New York at a special-effects company called Spontaneous Combustion.
His father was a cameraman and a partner in the Cinema Research Corporation, a special-effects company in Hollywood.
Last month, the company formed a joint venture with Pentamedia Graphics Ltd., an Indian graphics entertainment and special-effects company.
In 1982, he helped establish Princzko Productions, a film editing and special-effects company in Manhattan.
In addition, he has started a special-effects company in New Zealand, which is expected to produce the large number of computer-generated shots to be used in the fantasy films.
He established his own special-effects company, Necropia, and worked on films in several capacities, including boom operator, production assistant and assistant director, as well as makeup.
He also cofounded Edge Innovations, a special-effects company responsible for the whales in the Free Willy movies, among many other film credits.
("Joe Versus the Volcano" was made with the help of Industrial Light and Magic, George Lucas's special-effects company.)
Mr. Korn, who is 37 years old, is a partner in a Manhattan film editing and special-effects company.