The saint thus enjoyed special veneration at Gembloux; Sigebert of Gembloux wrote a long poem on the martyrdom of the Theban Legion.
The seminary was named St. Joseph's College because of a special veneration the bishop held for St. Joseph.
In south India, cows are offered, particularly, a special veneration because they are thought of as incarnations of Goddess Lakshmi.
During the Middle Ages his relics were the object of special veneration, and were repeatedly divided and transferred to other resting-places, in 881, 1066, 1137, 1255, and 1306.
He maintained that the special veneration and invocation of the saints, particularly of the Blessed Virgin Mary, is absolutely necessary for salvation.
Roman Catholics respond by stating that Mary was human and so is not worshipped, but is special before other saints, and therefore worthy of particular veneration.
Even though Protestant Christianity generally avoids any special veneration of Mary, access to the beautiful and culturally significant tradition of Marian music is facilitated by substitution texts.
This particular iconostasis is one of the most ancient in Russia, an object of special veneration.
Traditionally the Oroqen have a special veneration for animals, especially the bear and the tiger, which they consider their blood brothers.
The term hyperdulia is used for a special veneration accorded to the Virgin Mary among the saints.