Jason Brown, deputy chief of special prosecutions in the United States Attorney's office, declined to comment on whether Mr. Chernick was cooperating with the prosecution.
Pirates vs. Patriots, Conscious Choice (2004)-US targets environmental groups for special prosecution, forestry activists charged with "sailor mongering."
Since Watergate - our first fully curated Presidential scandal - special prosecutions have assured the survival of a whole Grand Guignol of historic illegality.
Jesse J. Sligh, executive assistant district attorney for special prosecutions, said his office was investigating several brutality complaints in the precinct.
A metic without a sponsor was vulnerable to a special prosecution.
"We ought to make violation of a person's civil rights a special crime requiring special prosecution," Mr. Cuomo said.
During law school he assisted the U.S. Attorney's office in a special prosecution of a congressman who was taking bribes.
In 2006, division attorneys handled 794 special prosecutions in 94 of the state's 114 counties.
Mr. Alonso works in Brooklyn as an assistant United States attorney and deputy chief of special prosecutions for the Eastern District of New York.
No way, said George Bush, already burned by a special prosecution of Iran-contra.