Berenson drew special ire less for her actions (tangential at best) than her identity: female and foreign.
He reserved a special ire for the black church of his childhood, which he condemned for cronyism and cowardice.
But E.T.S. has drawn special ire because it does not immediately need the 447,000 square feet of offices it proposes to build by drawing on a $54 million surplus.
But their special ire is reserved for fishermen.
But the price-check promotion drew special ire; Senator Olympia Snowe, Republican of Maine, called it "an attack on Main Street businesses."
A 1980 case drew his special ire as an appeals court judge.
McWhorter reserves special ire for what he calls the "new black double consciousness."
Wounded troops left behind were killed by Confederate soldiers, with special ire directed toward the black troops.
From Gadarene's bitter expression, I guessed a special ire toward me.
By October 3, an unknown number of surrendered and wounded Union soldiers were killed by Confederate regular, home guard and irregular soldiers, with special ire directed toward the black troops.