But the special goggles enabled the wearers to discern their surroundings.
He wore special goggles so his corneas would not dry out.
In addition, special goggles simulate the effects on vision of cataracts.
His invention, which cost $8.70, replaces a $4,500 pair of special goggles.
When they're recording, the men will wear special goggles that sense every movement of their eye muscles, and transmit them to the cameras.
People wear the same special goggles and gloves that are used in the virtual therapy group.
Viewed on an 80-foot screen with the aid of special goggles, it's mesmerizing.
Wearing special goggles, a person in the room is immersed into a complete virtual reality environment.
They also protected their eyes with special goggles.
You will be given special goggles to wear during the treatment which will last about 17 minutes.