The beetle larvae use special enzymes to partially dissolve the prey before devouring it.
The Golgi releases special enzymes called lysosomes, which clean off any extra amino acids.
The process operates best and fastest in conjunction with a special enzyme.
Cogenitors are needed to complete the reproductive process: they do not genetically contribute to offspring, but supply a special enzyme required for fertilization.
Use of these adjuncts, along with the addition of special enzymes, results in a higher percentage of alcohol than an average beer.
Grapefruit juice blocks a special enzyme in the wall of the intestine that prevents many drugs from being absorbed into the body.
Even if we could provide special enzymes for some of the dangerous gases.
The theory goes that grapefruit contains a special enzyme that burns fat.
Another example of functional adaptation is provided by the clothes moth, which has a special enzyme that enables it to digest wool.
They block the effects of special enzymes - specifically Cox-1 and Cox-2 enzymes.