The passion is sublime, and I now understand why you have a cherished and special devotion to this book.
The epithet singles out the Mystery which she is supposed to contemplate with special devotion.
The Chinook is an affectionate and playful family companion with a special devotion toward children.
More concretely, Iranian cinema shows a special devotion to the human face.
She had a special devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
The purpose of the new religious institute was a special devotion to the Blessed Virgin.
Some shrines, or places of special devotion, report that they have twice as many visitors as a decade ago.
He, like his ancestors, had a special devotion to the Lord of Tiruttani.
Those sisters desiring to lead a more contemplative life are allowed to follow special devotions in private.
Nevertheless, they must all have a special devotion to Ishtar.