It called for elections in one year, to be administered by a special governing council.
He was named to the special council that governed the province after the rebellion.
His successor will be chosen by a special council.
A special council for the barangay youth but has less legislative functions.
In 1916, a special council was created to operate the mines, introducing new technology and safety improvements.
Plymouth and Torbay are not run by the county council, but have their own special councils.
Like the potestas, the captain had a large and a small, or special, council and was elected.
Challengers also may choose mediation by a special council of America's Cup trustees.
The name of the "king-to-be" is kept secret by the special council until the death of the reigning king.
The reigning king, informed by the recommendation of the special council, selects one prince to be his successor.