Above all, this is a work of special commitment.
Herb's efforts on the part of the community at large and his special commitment to Jewish causes will endure for many generations.
The 60-member ensemble has a special commitment to contemporary composers, commissioning one American work every year.
"As a black-owned company, we have a special commitment to deal with the inner city and to get through to black males interested in achieving."
There's no known way to replicate Sister Kathleen's special commitment.
But we always had this special commitment to the poor and the sick.
"People will take a look at South Africa with a special commitment because of Mandela."
Although the Institute has a special commitment to promoting the study of Asian culture, its support is not limited to that field.
I have no special commitment to the existing order, and am wilting to see it change.
Mr. Jobs has long had a special commitment to manufacturing.