He is out of the dam Nothing Special, by Tejabo.
Mankind is not special by virtue of our address in the universe, or what spins around us, or because life originated here.
And it was certainly special by the end of the game.
Other door sizes are considered "special" by the company and the cost is slightly higher.
"A Day's Pleasure" - a downtrodden farm wife's visit to town is made special by an invitation into a person's home.
Oh, well, I thought, such displays are common enough: it wouldn't be thought to be anything special by the countryside.
But it's also a place for grown-up pleasures such as long rambles with friends and extended dinners made special by its burgeoning food culture.
Jeff and Angharad, locked in a kiss made more special by the moment, knew nothing of the tight psychic interchange.
Big ships are nothing special by themselves.
The thoroughly unremarkable merchandise was made special by its unavailability elsewhere on the island.