A transit district may also have its own transit police force, although in some areas the local police provide a special bureau for this purpose.
At this time, the official Soviet policy towards music changed; a special bureau, the Union of Soviet Composers, was established in order to keep track of the artists and their doings.
Later, Mr. Blair was dispatched in advance of national political conventions to set up special bureaus for The Times.
The Miami-Dade Police Department operate out of nine districts throughout Miami-Dade County and have two special bureaus.
In 1944, a special bureau on propaganda for foreign countries was set up as part of Sovinformburo.
Ronge retired in 1932, but was recalled to duty in the following year as director of the "Staatspolizeiliches Sonderbüro" (state police special bureau).
You know regulations; we'll probably have to set up a special lost and found bureau for missing weather patterns," David joked.
The state department of revenue set up a special bureau to investigate cash businesses-and called it the Mirage Audit Unit.
She has made good use of special bureaus that focus on key areas like environmental crime, child abuse and domestic and gang violence.
Each day, a special bureau in the Admiralty collated all reports that even suggested bender activity, then KA'PPAed the lot in a specially coded message to Prize.