There is also a special allure that comes from a garment's newness.
Whatever this fantasy might mean to the wider public, it has a special allure for academy members.
And the stories themselves, Mr. Hill believes, hold a special allure.
Now, it is the prospect of seeing a movie no one else has seen yet that holds a special allure.
The intended message is that all men and women have their own special allure.
But a foreign car - particularly a new one - has a special allure.
Charities, civic causes and company boards always try to recruit corporate chiefs, but as a black Republican, he has special allure.
Therefore, a tournament designed, at least in part, for the participation of children held a special allure for the princes.
Even the book's most disparaging or heavy-handed Americans were bound to notice the city's special allure.
Next: Football carries a special allure for small colleges with overwhelming female populations.