Some speakers warned that chaos and anarchy awaited the nation should the party fight the peoples' wish for pluralism.
The unknown speaker, Felix went on, had warned him in English, "Get out of town or it will be too bad for you!"
One speaker warned that in some circles it was starting to become almost trendy to be talking of the world in cataclysmic terms.
Other speakers warned that if legislators fail to provide relief they will be swept out of office.
Another speaker warned that children with disabilities were not being protected from abuse because people do not believe it occurs.
Another speaker warns against being goaded into an outburst by defense lawyers.
The speaker paused in his speech and warned that if they did not stop they would be removed.
The speaker must warn somebody or "give a warning that."
Several speakers warned that the cameras in Washington Square Park had already set a dangerous precedent.
Nearly every speaker at the conference warned that the mobile phone and media industries were sizing each other up warily.