Many speakers voiced support for dividing Iraq into a federation of states, but a retired Iraqi general, Hassan al-Naqib, warned that the opposition should not rush to settle on solutions before considering the wishes of Iraqis in the country.
Only one speaker, Kathleen Armstrong of Fort Worth, voiced any objections, saying, "I have the deep concern after reading this resolution that we as Southern Baptists are becoming so obsessed with condemning sins we have forgotten persons."
The above example is classified as word beautification as the speaker is voicing a general opinion regarding tea and rice crackers and is not intentionally deferential towards the listener.
At a conference held last year to launch the manual, speakers from the platform and from the floor voiced their disappointment.
In finer classifications, the above example is classified as word beautification-rather than honorific speech-as the speaker is voicing a general opinion regarding tea and rice crackers and is not intentionally deferential towards the listener.
Many speakers, mostly union workers, voiced support for the gas conduit, known as the Millennium Pipeline, citing the need for jobs and for additional energy sources.
The Deluxe-Amp remained as well, however its upgrade was largely aesthetic as it remained a 2-6V6 powered single 12" speaker voiced amplifier.
To be sure, some speakers voiced their concern during the first and second readings that the text of the law was perhaps too strict and that there would be problems with its transposition.