Many speakers also stressed that the global environment can be rescued only with an approach that assures sustainable economic growth around the world, including poor nations.
These speakers stressed the need for new joint efforts by blacks and Jews to ease poverty among blacks.
His notes, included in court documents, show that the speakers stressed the need to design the programs frugally.
Many speakers backing the measure stressed their support for the ordination of women.
Most speakers stressed the importance of Libyan ownership of all transitional and reconstruction efforts.
Every speaker stressed that children with fall birthdays generally benefit if they enter kindergarten as among the oldest, not the youngest, children in their class.
The speaker stressed certain words: "It is unwise to leave important matters to the future.
During three days of panel discussions, the speakers stressed the importance of demanding the best in fresh food.
The various speakers have stressed that this regulation has had a rough passage.
Other speakers stressed the importance to business, which needs housing that workers can afford.