Some speakers praised the unusual Gothic Revival entry to the building.
One speaker praised the Americans because, he said, they have prevented Afghan militias' feuding.
Over a celebratory lunch of hamburgers and sodas, they listened as speakers, one by one, praised an unusual partnership.
Which is to say that not all Arabic speakers who use the phrase are consciously praising God when they say it.
As the speakers praised him in English, he listened dreamily to a Russian translation, nodding occasionally.
From loudspeakers at mosques, speakers praised the "liberation" of Gaza, and fireworks lit up the sky.
The room broke into applause half a dozen times as speaker after speaker praised Mr. Blake's style.
I shall not use all my allotted time because many other speakers have already praised the substance of this package.
One speaker, an official in the Moscow party organization, was praising the group's work when the derisive applause began.