Booth's writing agrees with Moore; lines 5 and 6 parallel the inconsistencies that the speaker discusses in line 2.
Its 100 members meet a half dozen times a year to hear speakers discuss everything from foreign affairs to rape prevention.
The speakers discussed a wide range of topics dealing with Shakur's impact on everything from entertainment to sociology.
For example, when a speaker discusses a 'manpower problem', she probably does not intend to convey that all her employees are male.
The speakers discuss the influence of contemporary society on traditional Mennonite values.
The new speaker on the platform is discussing the connection between religion and farming.
Mr. Schwartz and other speakers discussed employer-assisted home buying at a recent conference here.
Some speakers discussed a method involving the transmission of fingerprints to criminal record centers.
Firstly, many speakers discussed the question of the equilibrium between what are termed the large and the small states.
I am sure that other speakers will discuss these.