A speaker interrupted transmissions for six minutes and claimed to be a representative of an "Intergalactic Association".
If the speaker claims to be of a certain identity and the voice is used to verify this claim, this is called verification or authentication.
For this reason, the speaker claims it would be "sacrilege" to kill the flea.
At storytelling, writers and speakers can't claim a monopoly.
Stop them "for their own good"-not because speaker claimed to be harmed by it.
Mosby declined invitations to memorial events where speakers claimed that slavery had nothing to do with the conflict.
Using the first person, the speaker claims direct knowledge of events, and sets the scene.
It was a matter of sensitive dependencies, their main speaker claimed, so there was chaos math involved.
I do not believe that there is an inherent conflict between trade and development as some speakers claim.
The speaker claims that his beloved will wear out this world to the ending doom.