Miss Kramp spoke scathingly about Germany's leaders.
But he spoke scathingly about the 225 members who voted against the measure, saying they had "walked away from the American people."
Aunt Pol spoke scathingly to Barak about his irresponsibility and then turned her attention to Garion.
At times they seem tough and at other times wounded and scared, but they both speak scathingly of the Bush Administration.
Hal Roach spoke scathingly about the film and Laurel's behavior during its making.
He also scathingly speaks of the "malicious duplicity" of the English and the "fatuous naivete of the Americans."
And King Hussein himself traveled to the scene, where he spoke scathingly about the "ungrateful" people behind the protests - apparently a reference to Mr. Shebalit.
The voice disparaged his hope, and spoke scathingly of his certain failure.
She spoke scathingly of Por Tanssie and said it was a place where rich men paid for position and status with sons.
He spoke scathingly of Congressmen "living above the law" before declaring roundly that "the threat of bankruptcy is now greater than the threat of war."