Miss Casewell - A strange, aloof, masculine woman who speaks offhandedly about the horrific experiences of her childhood.
Complaining, worrying, the publisher is also expanding; other friends, who once lived in a communal apartment - eight rooms, 18 people, one bathroom - now speak offhandedly of their annual vacation to Majorca.
He spoke offhandedly as if the incident didn't matter.
She speaks offhandedly of the N.A.A.C.P. "Are you a member?"
The prince, speaking offhandedly, turned back to Haplo.
Sergei Kovalyov, a civil rights activist who spent five years in Perm 36 and another two in a jail in Tatarstan, supports the museum, but spoke offhandedly about his experiences.
As for what the participating teachers want to do with this experience beyond applying it in their own classrooms, Mr. Suabedissen, speaking offhandedly, seemed to best illustrate why Ms. Monte's "ripple effect" theory just might work.
He spoke offhandedly, not caring if the tribune heard, his unconscious assumption of superiority proof against embar- rassment.
"For the first time, he spoke very softly and offhandedly. "
She spoke offhandedly, as if talking about a matter that did not really concern her.