They spoke of hard work and sunshine and strength.
Their robust (heavy, tough) bodies speak of strength rather than speed.
These all spoke of strength, respectability and an ordered and handsome masculinity.
Disappointment was illogical, but, somehow, as something to experience, the song spoke of strength gained.
It lifted the cover with an ease which spoke of terrifying physical strength.
They spoke of strength beneath the perfectly cut black coat-understated, probably made by Weston.
Lyrically, the song speaks of inner strength, and not allowing others to tear away your dreams.
His thick chest, corded neck, and square shoulders spoke of primordial strength, speed, and endurance.
He was tall and slender, but his movements spoke of whipcord strength and a sure confidence.
The shifter's fingers were a furnace compared to hers, and he pulled her up with an ease that spoke of strength.