A scene in which the older brother and the older sister speak intimately late at night is mentioned the following morning but omitted from the text.
Even to stand here, speaking intimately with you in your shop, is potentially scandalous.
Susan knows that, aside from herself, only Emily can speak to me intimately.
As travelers will, the women spoke intimately.
Speaking intimately with other firefighters across the city, the men in blue now talk about other, not-so-heroic memories of those days on the pile.
Baldwin by contrast spoke intimately from the office of the Director-General.
"130 Then, speaking intimately to those who believe, he urges them to "love one another as I have loved you.
He had already asked the fellow if he would prefer another dish to the chicken, speaking intimately to be heard over the music.
It's hard to imagine that a man who could speak so intimately with children through his songs and poems knew so little about them.
Chase could hardly believe that he and this embodiment of American political corruption were speaking so intimately.