Generally speaking, in the case of private, civil matters the limitations period may be shortened or lengthened by agreement of the parties.
The A.N.C. issued a detached statement saying that the last word had not been spoken in the case.
Now, that decision has been overturned although the appeal judges spoke of strong mitigating factors in the case.
"The jury has spoken in the case of Pedro Gil," said Carl Pelleck, a spokesman.
Her voice cracked and wavered only twice, when she spoke of her family's loss of privacy in the case.
The other two had been quick enough to insist that they spoke only English - a statement of fact in the case of Martin.
In the first case we may speak of a periastrion lag and in the second case, a periastrion advance.
However, it has the opposite effect, giving the bearer a handicap, like speaking only gibberish in the case of the Village Drunk, etc.
The Connecticut-based lawyer added that he had spoken to a Federal prosecutor in the case as recently as yesterday morning.
Mr President, I speak about China and in particular the case of Wei Jingsheng.