Denzel Washington, the actor, spoke this morning about the trust's role in helping children.
Mr. Jewell spoke to several television reporters about his role in finding the bomb.
But sitting in my office one day, God began to speak to me about the painting and my role in it.
Today he seemed anxious to avoid controversy as he spoke about his new role.
Speaking about his role as playwright, he said: "I still love the form.
At the service for the officer yesterday, officials spoke sternly about the police officer's role as buffer between law and chaos in a violent society.
I will be speaking to you each individually about your role in the future of the lodge.
He has not spoken publicly about his role.
Then he spoke about his role as the secretary of defense under President George Bush.
As of 2009, he is currently in poor health but has apparently expressed a willingness to speak about his role in the 1980-81 dictatorship.