The results indicate that prism adaptation can also induce higher cognitive changes in spatial representation.
This occurs because of a pre-existing spatial representation within the brain which is programmed to think that voices come from another human's mouth.
Since the areas that process numerical and spatial representations are close to each other, this may contribute to the increased cross-activation.
The Theatre is to be understood in terms of time and space - a spatial representation of chronology.
She specializes in language learning, spatial representation, and the relationships between these foundational systems of human knowledge.
The foundation for this navigational map is a spatial representation in which two or more environmental odours have a particular intensity.
From this spatial representation he moved, in prescient technique, into the complexities of memory concepts.
Parts and Places: the structures of spatial representation.
The application of this approach to the spatial representation of common objects is illustrated in the following two examples.
Pitch processing normally depends on the cognitive mechanisms that are usually used to process spatial representations.