There is also an entire class of intransitives that convey the object's spatial position.
The file contains the icon image and its spatial position within its parent window.
These factors include initial spatial position, population density, attack strategy of the predator, and vigilance.
It is inadequate, because all it does, in effect, is to transfer the problem from things to spatial positions, or places.
In this conception, the I has the possibility to move from one spatial position to another in accordance with changes in situation and time.
The next step for Irwin was to determine if transsaccadic memory is tied to spatial position.
We base our ability to shift spatial position by exactly those words.
Some languages have positionals that describe the spatial position of an event or entity.
For interferometry to work, the satellites must be as close as possible to the same spatial position when the images are acquired.
What meaning can we attach to spatial position?