Robin Holliday defined epigenetics as "the study of the mechanisms of temporal and spatial control of gene activity during the development of complex organisms."
Schreiber and Crabtree demonstrated that small molecules could activate a signaling pathway in an animal with temporal and spatial control.
This system is not as fast as other controls, such as optogenetics, but remains an important mechanism of spatial and temporal control.
"Three spatial controls, one time control," explained Diktor.
Several proteins are involved in the formation of the γ-TuRC and the temporal and spatial control of microtubule nucleation.
The development of a new life is a spectacular process and represents a masterpiece of temporal and spatial control of gene expression.
In contrast 'nailing the prig down' is a quintessential statement about the value to uniform 'polises'of stasis, containment, and spatial control.
Deiodinases also provide spatial and temporal developmental control of thyroid hormone levels.
The National Science Foundation has funded his research in parallel and grid computing for ecological models, ecological multi-modeling and spatial control of natural systems.
A common method facilitating the spatial control of genetic alteration involves the selection of a tissue-specific promoter to drive Cre expression.