Maloff's aesthetic style is characterized by geometric compositions, the illusion of back lighting, transparencies, and spatial ambiguity.
Most often the connections are made by reference to shared formal characteristics: faceting of form, spatial ambiguity, transparency, and multiplicity.
David Mackenzie's collage painting also uses trompe l'oeil to suggest spatial ambiguity.
The paintings were attached to poles placed 20 cm away from the walls to increase their spatial ambiguities.
His painter's instincts served him well in his emphasis on surface, spatial ambiguity and a lush, carefully calibrated palette.
These photographs have an abstract quality; there's a deliberate spatial ambiguity and you're not quite sure what you're looking at.
It is thought to have been inspired by Vuillard's experiments with pattern, texture and spatial ambiguity.
Furthermore, the painting leverages tensions regarding three-dimensional representation in two dimensions resulting from spatial ambiguities caused by the lack of cues in the background.
The patterns she creates evoke spatial ambiguities and shifting structures which work on the viewer's perceptions in subtle ways.
Despite certain spatial ambiguities this is the painter's most thoroughly rendered architectural space, and the only one in which a ceiling is shown.