One is open, and looks into a small, spartan room with bars in the window.
At last, the monk turned into a small, Spartan room with no windows.
Mothers and children retreated to one corner of the spartan room.
Down there in his spartan room, a message would be waiting from halfway across the galaxy.
There, was an echo in the large, Spartan room within the giant dome.
He and the children shared a spartan room in the house on Rose Street.
They ran ahead through the once-grand but now spartan rooms.
He turned and walked out, heading back to the tiny, Spartan room that served as his quarters.
The cat shot through the door as it opened and disappeared into a small area at the back of the spartan room, undoubtedly the kitchen.
It was clear where the money had been spent, and it wasn't in the spartan rooms.