"We don't have too many people here," Thompson said, scanning the sparsely filled convention hall.
The book rack on the wall was sparsely filled, mostly with disks on management and technical references.
The old varnish-crinkled wood lining is very exposed as the shelves are sparsely filled.
Dr. Lee sat calmly in the sparsely filled courtroom wearing a brown leather jacket over a pink, open-collared shirt.
Boulevard, had only about 60 foreign guests in the balcony of its sparsely filled sanctuary.
The room was sparsely filled and no one was sitting very close.
Although the church altars here are sparsely filled, the pews are crowded.
But before he reached the end of that short line, he could see that the racks within were more and more sparsely filled.
Shops used to be fully stocked with many commodities, but today shelves are sparsely filled or in some case completely bare.
The grocery shelves are sparsely filled, so some are going into the fields to pick their dinner.