There was a fine rain on the wind, sparse.
His work in the Saudi desert helped conserve sparse rain, find unsuspected reserves of groundwater and increase the water supply for the country's cities.
A sparse rain patted onto the leaves overhead, and I took shelter beneath a big maple.
When even sparse rains fail to show up by late October, King Fahd habitually asks his subjects to pray for it.
Faint smell of compost where a sparse rain had settled in warmer low places.
The west is dry with sparse rain during winter or summer, with frosty winters and hot summers.
Storm clouds had gathered and a sparse rain began to fall as he spurred his mount away eastward toward Erub.
"Well, then, he can play fair with the goats he's herding; it's nothing to me," said Tenar, trudging homeward in the wind and the first, sparse, cold rain.
After months of sparse rain, the latest storms were a kind of blessing for the city.
This spring, many aquifers failed to rebound to their usual levels, and sparse rain is now compounding problems, Dr. Navoy said.