The sparse furniture consists of period objects without any pretense that they have actually abeen used by the Mozarts.
I'd only been in here once, so I picked my way through Jack's sparse furniture very carefully.
Instead, she paced around my sparse furniture, unable to remain still.
In his gloomy room, with its sparse furniture and rumbling, noisy plumbing, Bolan changed into fresh clothing.
Aside from the sparse furniture, and the stacks of unopened boxes in the corner of the room, it was quite barren.
The cramped cellar was cool and musty, the sparse furniture in its place.
The sparse furniture was meticulously polished and arranged in a perfectly aligned pattern.
The sparse furniture, pushed to the perimeter, gives the apartment the feel of a nightclub after everyone has gone home.
When he inspected his new quarters, with its sparse furniture and minuscule kitchen, he pronounced it "a dump."
They were in a narrow, warm room with heavily patterned wallpaper and sparse furniture.