The NYT inside piece on all this focuses instead on the sparse details of what is currently known about damage to raid targets.
Through this story, we find out sparse details about the S-Gerät, including that it has an approximate weight of forty-five kilograms.
Poring over the sparse details lie had been obliged to enter on his landing card.
Everything confirmed the sparse details that we already had.
Halfway down, you tell of far worse conditions in four other countries, offering but sparse details regarding them.
The Islamic Action Front's new leadership quickly dismissed the allegations and the sparse details released with the announcements as a politically convenient ploy.
In his turn, Harry added a few sparse details, but they satisfied Rod.
No trace remains of the temple building, and the historical and epigraphical record offers only sparse details to suggest its exact location.
There was a crumpled newspaper near the snack bar, and under the fourword headline were the sparse details of Willi's death.
All the other reporters were still piecing together the sparse details released by the police.