They climbed up above the storm, into sparkling sunlight, soaring through the crisp air.
Without speaking or being spoken to, the girl placed the tray on a table and opened the slitted blinds to the morning's breeze and sparkling sunlight.
Ahead, in the sparkling sunlight, lay Aydindril.
The day was bright, and the river rippled and glinted in the sparkling sunlight.
Just as if you front your eyes with a piece of smoked glass, the most sparkling sunlight will become somber.
He shot upward through sparkling sunlight.
Shafts of sparkling sunlight filtered down.
It is striking both for its dank air and the sparkling, scattered sunlight that filters through the woods.
In the bright clear sparkling sunlight of that spring morning it glittered and gleamed like the purest of emeralds.
Her face was thrown up to the sparkling sunlight, eyes squeezed shut, blind.