Oleg and Maggrin rushed at each other, their blades crashing, sparks flying from the contact.
They both stood their ground and would not be moved, their blades slamming together again and again, sparks flying on the air.
Sand stung his face, as hot as sparks flying from a crucible.
It seemed as though he could see traces of light in his skin, sparks flying from the ends of his fingers.
A console explodes, sparks flying through the bridge.
Sal began shooting, the recoil of the Beretta jerking against his wrists, sparks flying from the barrel.
The ship rocked again, sparks flying from the consoles.
"Then we turned, we saw the flames, the burning embers, sparks flying all over."
Horses went by, the hooves barely missing my head, sparks flying from the stones.
Their blades crashed together, sparks flying on the air, neither man prepared to give an inch or retreat a step.